deMONTAGe #08

Mo. 24. November 20.00

'We Make Me This Way'
Solo performance (work in progress)
This is a piece I created for a very simple purpose: to learn how to channel all the negative feelings and judgments about myself into an outer universe. As an artist, but mainly as a human being, I try to shed my "emotional bagage" in order to move on, but some experiences still live deep in my body and subconscious. Instead of pretending like they don't exist or like they don't have an effect on my life, I try to meet them on their own terms and turn our encounter into something "creative", which is to say, to use the bad experience as an impulse for a new situation that can be full of humour, vitality, and spontaneity. This way I establish a new, less emotionally taxing and less negative relationship to the traumas of my past.

Concept and performance Maya Dalinsky*

& 'Knack'
Eine Etüde nach der Novelle ‘der Knacks’ von Francis Scott Fitzgerald sowie Bilder von Edward Hopper

"(…) meine kürzlichen Erfahrungen sind nur eine Parallele zu der Woge der Verzweiflung, die über unsere Nation kam, als es mit der Prosperität plötzlich aus war". aus ‘der Knacks’, F.S Fitzgerald , April 1936

Es gibt Situationen, die von einem verlangen, sich zu verändern. Bis er sich selber nicht mehr erkennt. Knack : Unsichtbar verkriecht ein Fremder in ihm.
Spiel Tom Pilath
Agathe Chion**
Sébastien Alazet
Room in New York, 1932

Montag, den 24.November, 20.00 bat-Studiotheater
Eintritt frei

*HfS Choreographie

**2.Stdj Regie

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